Calamities falling on “Servant of
God” Mirza Agha Jaan Kashani (Khadimullah)
He was known as the first who believe
in Baha’u’llah, he was surname by Baha’u’llah as “The Servent in Presence” and
“Servant of God” he stood by Baha’u’llah throughout his journey and was always
present with him, and obeyed all his command. After the sad demise of
Baha’u’llah history shows the treatment he received from the jand of Abdul
Mirza Jawad Qazvini in his Epitome mentioned the calamities
fallen on this noble soul.
Page 73-75
On the 28th day of May,
1897 A. D., the Servant of God, Mirza Agha Jan, invited all the friends
(believers) to dine with him at Behja near by the Sacred Tomb. In the afternoon
when they finished eating and drinking the tea, the Servant of God stood up in
the midst thereof and lectured to them saying “ The Servant of God kept himself quit and silent and
never said a thing in those few past years, in order to avoide disturbance and
dissension among the believers, but now, I (the Servant) see that my silence
has perhaps augmented the difference in the cause of God; therefore, my duty is
to state to you my knowledge and opinion in regard to this question. All the
actions and the teachings which were promulgated and claimed by Abbas Effendi
and his supporters are erroneous and contrary to the command of God and against
His doctrines and laws revealed in the Sacred Books. The Covenant and the Oath,
which were mentioned in the Holy Scriptures, both belong only to the
Manifestations of God, who appeared in the past and Who will appear in the
future. Abbas Effendi ascribed both of them to himself without evidence or
proof, yet, you have accepted his claim and believed him and committed a gross
error in so doing.”
Abbas Effendi having been informed to
that effect, at once, he came there and took the Servant by his hand and put
him outside the place, barefooted and bare headed, while his followers were
striking the Servant strong blows on his face and head, although he begged and
cried to be left alone for the sake and respect of the Sacred Tomb, they did
not heed his crying nor his appeal. At last they imprisoned him in a stable and
robbed him of all the Sacred Tablets which he was carrying, and in a few hours later
they freed him after calling him by different names as violator, backslider,
devil, etc., etc., indeed it was not meant on their part to treat so cruelly
the Servant of God as they did. He faithfully for forty years stood before the
Throne and served Beha’u’llah. In one of the Sacred Tablet Beha’u’llah said in his favor the
following: “And after that on the Branches, a praised station was ordained for
the Servant standing before the Throne.”
On many occasions, the Servant
opposed Abbas Effendi and his followers, because of their claims and teachings,
and he was in perfect accord with Mohammed Ali Effendi, that there is no one
besides Beha’u’llah in the kingdom, and that His teachings and Utterances
suffice the world.
On the 17th day of May,
1901 A.D., the Servant of Beha’u’llah died at Behja after an illness of about
fifteen days, and was buried at Abi-Atobah. His funeral and burial were
pompously conducted by the Mightest Branch, Mohammed Ali Effendi.
While alive the Servant of God has
very often declared in the presence of the Branches and some others of the Holy
Family as well as of the Sprays (Afnan) and friends that whatever he possesses
of the Sacred Effects belongs to God, and ought after his death to be placed in
the Sacred Tomb. On his death Mohammed Ali Effendi, Badi’u’llah Effendi, the
author and some others, went to a house mear the Sacred Tomb and gathered those
Sacred things that the Servant had. They were as follows: 12 pieces of the
Sacred Photos; 217 Tablets written by the Supreme Pen; a number of the Sacred
Taj and garments, and number of the blessed hairs, good many Sacred volumes,
and epistles, bound and unbound, some special things, a few epistles which were
composed by the Servant himself on the Divine Unity and Infallibility. They
wrote those things on a sheet of paper, and put them in three boxes, which they
sealed and placed as deposit in the house of Seyed Ali Effendi, the son-in-law
of our Great Master, Beha’u’llah, for he being a Russian subject can preserve
them against the tyranny of the despotical officials. Lately it appeared that
Abbas Effendi in the month of Safar 1327 A.H., answering the month of May, 1908
A.D., persuaded the Holy leaf and her husband Seyed Ali Effendi and sent by
night his son-in-law Mirza Mohsen and Agha Reda Shirazi in his special carriage
at Behja from which they brought to him the three boxes wherein the things were
deposited, without anybody’s knowledge. It is said that Abbas Effendi opened
those boxes before some people (of his followers) and distributed some of the
contents on them, and kept the rest. Till now nobody knows what become of them.
Points from passage
1. Abdul Baha showed
no respects to the households of Baha’u’llah for his egoistic nature, even he
has showed no respects for the Servant of God, Agha Jan Kashani, he manhandled
him and imprisoned him and robs his belonging even after his death.
2. Hence we
Unitarian Baha’is believe that as per the Will and Testaments of Baha’u’llah,
his second son Mohammed Ali Effendi become true successor of faith who in spite
of excommunication continued in spreading the message of Baha’u’llah and
protected his households and companion, and gave them the proper respect.
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